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BlackBerry 9520 and 9550 Operating System Leaked

Written by dekaman on 9:06 PM

Blackberry Operating system leaks
In the last few days we just get the leaked information to the BlackBerry Storm OS 9520 and 9550 smartphone devices. Both devices have the same form, and most of us are also familiar with both the BlackBerry Storm 2, or Odin.

If the 9520 only has a GSM baseband networks Storm 9550 will use two baseband GSM and CDMA, because it leaked version of the OS that is also different for each of these devices.

For 9550 we have the upcoming Storm Operating System version which can be downloaded at the following link: Download leaked OS for the 9550

As for Storm 9520 OS is version which can be downloaded at this link: Download Leaked OS for the 9520

Because of this leaked OS, it should backup your data before doing the update, we are not responsible for the damage and loss of data during the upgrade take place.

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